
Peace of mind, security, and convenience for our Buyers are top priorities. Fortune Brokers thoroughly check websites/businesses listed. We withhold payment until trial period has successfully passed and website has been transferred by the Seller.

Trial period is crucial to make sure a website/business actually generates the revenue declared. No room for scam at Fortunebrokers.eu.

NB: We run both automated and manual checks during our thorough vetting process, however each buyer is responsible for their own due diligence.

Buyer benefits

  • Peace of mind, security, and convenience
  • Assured websites/domain name transfer prior to paying Seller
  • Ability to confirm domain ownership directly with the registrar before the Seller is paid
  • Ability to pay by wire transfer and in some cases PayPal, Payoneer, Transferwise, Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) (restrictions apply)